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Quiet on Set

Writer's picture: Thomas FoxThomas Fox

When I hush you hush we hush - seriously, why is shushing so infectious “shhh"

I’ve been pointing out lately that 90% of communication is non-verbal (to make a point, please don’t qualify this with scientific method) having fun with the fact that we can say A LOT without saying anything at all. Sometimes when I point this out, people say that I should try not saying anything at all - then I say, damn that’s cold.

Truth is, I like to talk sometimes, and sometimes I like to hear other people talk too which is honest to god how we got this show … GREYT BIG TALK, big stories, big lessons, big moments, big thoughts and feelings, and findings, and confessions over confections and caffeine for kings and queens - tryna take a moment out to learn about themselves by learning about somebody going through life next door. It’s an essential part of the work, whatever "the work” is for you.

I’ve got a lot of excellent people to introduce you guys to as we’re slightly changing up the format of the program now that it dons a new name. This month we’re taping the second to last episode of GREYT BIG TALK: SEASON ONE which will feature Rick Simmons, CEO of the telos institute - 8 episodes will be released in winter/spring 2022. The final episode of season one will be recorded to a live audience next month on December 17th.

In 2022 we’ll be taping 4 live audience episodes in the spring for GREYT BIG TALK SEASON TWO, and taping 4 live audience episodes in the fall for SEASON THREE.

These are the 2022 taping dates:


  • Friday, February 18th

  • Friday, March 18th

  • Friday, April 15th

  • Friday, May 20th


  • Friday, September 16th

  • Friday, October 21st

  • Friday, November 18th

  • Friday, December 16th

These program tapings will include a mini-conference showroom with tables to meet Northeast Ohio companies supporting and participating in our region's unique creative culture as it's demonstrated in GREYT BIG TALK. If you know someone at a company that should table to help with their talent recruitment, retention, engagement initiatives, please send them my way. The more people participate, the better this program becomes.

All the details for this month are below… check it out, share the links on social or with a friend if you’re excited :-) and SIGN UP TO PITCH YOUR PROJECTS, people want to know what you’re working on.

Much love, -Thomas T. Fox

GREYT CULTURE [About the Greyt Culture Team Email. This monthly(ish) email goes to GREYT event participants and partners, and others I would like to be aware of the contents of upcoming programs. The Team Email is for Planning Purposes Only and treated as confidential/non-promotional/not to be distributed. Event details listed here are subject to change based on input back from recipients. Confirmed event details will always be listed through - recipients are added and removed periodically at my discretion. If you would like to be a permanent recipient or removed from GREYT emails, reply and I will comply with kindness. Thanks for reading.] __________________________ REGISTRATION: LINKEDIN: TWITTER: INSTA: TIMELINE: Setup will begin at 6:30 am All program participants should arrive between 7:30-8:00 am Check-in Begins at 8:30 am Program Begins at 9:00 am GREYT BIG TALK: DATE: 11/19/21 SPEAKER: Rick Simmons VENUE: Breakforth Studio - 2310 Superior Ave, Suite 230 Cleveland, OH 44114

SPONSOR PARTNERS: Rapid Mortgage, North Water Productions, Phoenix Coffee BREAKFAST FEATURE: (Amira Zayed) COFFEE: Phoenix PROGRAM SETUP: Thomas Fox PRINT: WE NEED A PRINT PARTNER!! PHOTOS: ?? VIDEO: NWP LIVE-TWEETING: ?? MUSIC FEATURE: David D’Amato & Friends QUOTE DESIGNER FEATURE: Kumar Aurora QUOTE DESIGNER ON DECK: ???? ESPRESSO PITCHES: ?? ARTISAN FEATURED: Stephanie Lee Paynter,??? CHECKIN: Amira Zayed, ??? AV: Thomas Fox SETUP: ???

(post photo credit Korey Smerk)

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