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Writer's pictureThomas Fox


What’s there to say about a great date? You just know when it’s a great date. I guess this is a somewhat ‘professional’ letter, but I don’t care to tiptoe around safe small talk much… we named our entire lecture series BIG TALK for the very purpose of letting people get into real, honest experiences that shape our work and lives - So with that in mind, today's topic is DATES. Let’s get into it.

In my early twenties, I got home from a particular date so late it might as well have been morning.

It was a newer relationship and it made sense not to be spending the night. Plus, it wasn’t supposed to get that late, the time just slipped away from us. We said our fair wells for the 15th or 50th time, I got in the car and drove - radio off, top-down, with the smell of summer dew filling parts of myself I didn’t know existed. When I walked in my door, the sun snapped a beam over the horizon through my window, it was a new day. I can’t remember a moment being more instantly inspired. I grabbed my guitar as the tacky twenty-something in love that I was and wrote a song. It was, and is a damn good song. It’s easy to say things like “the heart knows what the heart wants” but it's much better to recognize when time spent with others brings out qualities we like about ourselves - I think we're attracted to feeling like ourselves. This doesn’t apply to dates in just romantic relationships, but in all working and creative partnerships too. Steven Pressfield and Julia Cameron would say that if you’re an artist you just have to show up and do the work, which I wholly agree, but letting yourself be inspired by other people not only brings out the best in you, it can bring out the best in them too. Ain’t that cute.

Our last regular Golden Hour concert of the summer is tomorrow tonight on The Shoreway, and we’re currently planning for the Fall GREYT BIG TALK Series. We’ll head to different locations with different speakers, music features, and design features, and learn about a ton of new projects bubbling up from our community's imaginations. You can subscribe to watch past talks on YouTube or anywhere you get podcasts, but much better to attend events live in person…

Make it a date.

Much love,

T.Fox GREYT CULTURE // Greyt Letters Archive // About the Letter: This monthly(ish) email goes to GREYT event participants, partners, and others I would like to be aware of the contents of upcoming programs. Event details listed here are subject to change based on input from recipients. Confirmed event details will always be listed through - recipients are added and removed periodically at my discretion. If you would like to be a permanent recipient or removed from GREYT emails, reply and I will comply with kindness. Thanks for reading.]

Upcoming Event Dates:

- GOLDEN HOUR on The Shoreway - TOMORROW, Friday, Aug 18th, 2023

- GREYT BIG TALK - Friday, Sept 22nd, 2023

- GREYT BIG TALK - Friday, Oct 20th, 2023

- GREYT BIG TALK - Friday, Nov 17th, 2023

- GREYT BIG TALK - Friday, Dec 15th, 2023

Event features are curated with community input please send these opportunities to excellent people:

Become a Member to register 2 tickets to all GREYT BIG TALK events for free.

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